HR Forms
Form Categories
Form Title Category
Notice of Introductory Period

This is a notice and acknowledgement stating that new employees are aware of the introductory period of employment during which they may not be entitled to certain company benefits.

During Employment
[ Updated: 07/06/2021 ]
Notice Regarding Unlawful Harassment

This is a sample notice outlining what constitutes unlawful harassment, discrimination, and retaliation in the workplace, and what employees should do if they witness or experience such harassment, discrimination or retaliation.

During Employment
[ Updated: 07/06/2021 ]
Notice Regarding Workers Compensation Fraud

This is a sample notice warning employees of serious consequences including criminal prosecution of submitting falsified or fraudulent claims for Workers' Compensation benefits.

During Employment
[ Updated: 07/06/2021 ]
Notice to Employee

Labor Code Section 2810.5 Government Form requires this information to be given to each employee at the time of hire in the language employer normally uses to communicate employment-related information (Korean and Spanish versions are also available).

During Employment
[ Updated: 07/06/2021 ]
Overtime Authorization Form

This is a sample overtime authorization form which must be signed by supervisors or person in charge prior to employee’s overtime work.

During Employment
[ Updated: 07/06/2021 ]
Paid Sick Leave Policy (California)

This is a sample paid sick leave policy for California employers.

During Employment
[ Updated: 07/06/2021 ]
Paid Sick Leave Policy (Los Angeles)

This is a sample paid sick leave policy for Los Angeles employers.

During Employment
[ Updated: 07/06/2021 ]
Performance Evaluation Form

This is a sample form allowing employer to document its evaluation of employee’s performance in different categories, such as attendance, job knowledge, work quality, communication skills, etc.

During Employment
[ Updated: 07/06/2021 ]
Performance Improvement Plan Form

This is a sample notice to employee for unsatisfactory performance, with a plan for employee’s improvement which employee must demonstrate within the specified time.

During Employment
[ Updated: 07/06/2021 ]
Physician Designation or Pre-Designation Form

By completing this form, employees may choose to either designate their own physician to treat them in case of a work-related injury or illness, or agree to be taken to a nearest hospital or doctor designated by the employer.

During Employment
[ Updated: 07/06/2021 ]
Request for Accommodation Policy

This is a sample policy demonstrating the company’s commitment to comply with all laws protecting qualified individuals with disabilities as well as employees’ religious beliefs and observances. The policy requests employees to notify the company of any need for accommodation in order to engage in interactive process.

During Employment
[ Updated: 07/06/2021 ]
Request for Reasonable Accommodation-Confidential

This form will assist qualified employees with disabilities to properly notify the employer of their need for reasonable accommodations so that the employer may engage in the interactive process and provide reasonable accommodations.

During Employment
[ Updated: 07/06/2021 ]
Search and Inspection Acknowledgment

This is a sample notice of the company’s right to search and inspect any locker, desk or cabinet provided to employees by the company. Employees acknowledge notifies that the Company has full access to the Employee's belongings if they were provided by the Company and is subject to search and inspection.

During Employment
[ Updated: 07/06/2021 ]
Suspension Notice

This is a sample notice to employee who is suspended from employment pending investigation of complaints or claims.

During Employment
[ Updated: 07/06/2021 ]
Time Keeping Procedures

This document outlines a sample timekeeping policy requiring employees to accurately record their time for all hours worked and to obtain a pre-authorization for overtime before working overtime.

During Employment
[ Updated: 07/06/2021 ]
Time Off Request

This is a sample form for employees requesting permission to take time off for various reasons other than an extended leave of absence.

During Employment
[ Updated: 07/06/2021 ]
Timecard Acknowledgment for Meal and Rest Periods

This is a sample acknowledgment in which employees acknowledge that their timecards accurately reflect their hours worked and that they were provided with opportunities to take meal and rest periods in accordance with the law.

During Employment
[ Updated: 07/06/2021 ]
Timesheet and Attestation

This is a sample weekly timesheet which includes employee’s attestation that he or she accurately recorded hours worked and received all meal and rest periods except otherwise indicated.

During Employment
[ Updated: 07/06/2021 ]
Uniform Receipt Acknowledgment

This is an acknowledgment and agreement by employees acknowledging their receipt of the company-provided uniforms and agreeing to return all uniforms at the time of termination. Employees further agree to the company’s deduction for the cost of uniforms from their final paychecks for any failure to return their uniforms.

During Employment
[ Updated: 07/06/2021 ]
Warning Letter

This is a sample warning notice to be given to employee subject to a disciplinary action for failure to perform or violation of company policy.

During Employment
[ Updated: 07/06/2021 ]