How to dodge "tricky" behavioral interview questions

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By admin Posted: 8 years ago


                During an interview, the interviewer might ask you questions that test your situation-handling competencies. These are called behavioral questions. If you don’t have loads of interview experience, you might freak out as you didn’t expect them to pop up. This set of questions genuinely plays an important role for the interviewer in grasping a better understanding of you as a person, whom the company might be working with. These questions help the interviewer determine whether you would be a great fit for the position or not.


It’s all about showing your confidence when trying to make a good impression to someone. But it’s difficult to be confident when you are nervous and under a lot of stress. So if you get yourself prepared with answers to these questions, you will be able to defend yourself from your interviewer with confident answers.


I know, some of these questions sound cliché, but I promise you, you will find them helpful after reading through them all.


Who knows? You might land the job if you “pass” these questions.



1.Talk about a time when you had to work closely with someone who had a personality completely opposite from you.

2.Talk about an experience you had to work as a team and a conflict arose. How did you handle that?

3.Talk about a time when you had a difficult time building a relationship with an important person at work. How did you overcome that?


Client-Facing Skills

1.Talk about a time when you satisfied and pleased your customer with your service.

2.Talk about how you would prioritize your customers’ needs, when you have to deal with a large number of customers at a time.

3.Talk about an experience when you had an angry customer and how you handled the situation.


Ability to Adapt

1.Talk about how you work under pressure.

2.Talk about a time when you made the biggest mistake at previous job.

3.Talk about a time when you had an awkward situation with your co-worker or a client. How did you handle that?


Time Management Skills

1.Talk about a time when you had to manage a long-term project. How did you manage to finish it in a timely manner?

2.Talk about a time when the number of tasks given to you was overwhelming. How did you handle that?

3.Talk about a time when you set of a goal for yourself.


Communication Skills

1.Talk about a time when you convinced other to work in your way at work. How did you persuade them?

2.Talk about a time when you gave a successful presentation. Why do you think it was a good one?

3.Talk about a time when your only way of communication was written to get your idea across. How did you handle it?


Motivation and Values

1.Talk about a time when you motivated others.

2.Talk about a time when you had a goal you wanted to accomplish and failed. How did you feel about that?

3.Talk about a time when you had to be creative with your work. How did you feel about that?


JobKoreaUSA  |  Irene Na


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