K” LINE LOGISTICS (U.S.A.) INC. is an International Freight Forwarding company and also Customs Broker. Established nearly 50 years ago, "K" Line Logistics, Ltd. (KLL), with headquarters in Japan, operates as an International Freight Forwarder and Passenger Travel Agent within the Kawasaki Group. Currently, KLL boasts over 50 offices employing over 1,800 professionals worldwide. In addition to these sister companies, KLL has agencies in 35 other countries under partnership arrangements that assure full coverage throughout our global network. In Europe, KLL offices (and representative offices) are in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, France, and Germany. In Asia, KLL has offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Viet Nam, India and China. In the United States, KLL USA offers service from 12 offices located in New York, Chicago, Columbus, Cincinnati (Kentucky), Dallas, Atlanta, McAllen (Texas), Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Torrance and San Diego. Mexico adds two offices to the network. We are continually searching for and exploring new ways to deliver integrated solutions for cargo forwarding and enhanced logistics services to benefit our clients. KLL values the education of its employees as one of the most important management concerns. We believe in the idea that "A company is its people" and our company is dedicated to the growth of its employees together with the growth of the company for the benefit of our clients. Overall, KLL is committed to expanding and strengthening its global network and constantly improving service to meet or exceed customers' requirements in global logistics.