Director's Greeting ReadingTown Cerritos Center Greetings, everyone Welcome to ReadingTown Cerritos where we offer you an extraordinary educational opportunity. Our mission is to provide an individualized standards-based education for students through innovative computer systems,a comprehensive curriculum,and parental involvement. We provide top-quality educational services for pre-K to 11th grade students. Our rigorous academic program prepares students for the 21st century with a world-class education. The Cerritos Center prides itself on being an excellent educational opportunity for your children. Our dedicated and qualified staff members are meticulously selected to ensure that they are able to develop a warm and caring rapport with the students as well as foster effective communication channels with the students' parents. We hold very high standards when it comes to our teachers and we ensure those standards mirror the quality education our students receive. Our vision does not solely focus on the curriculum, however The Cerritos Center firmly believes that the best learning comes with individual attention and care and therefore we keep our class sizes to 2-3 students. This way the teachers can focus on giving each student a direct means of communication and tutelage as opposed to not even remembering all the names of the students in a classroom. We here at ReadingTown Cerritos take education very seriously and sincerely believe that a child's main "job", from a toddler to a teenager, is to be a learner. Understanding that the best environment for learning may not necessarily be at school is the reason why we exist, and we invite you to visit our Cerritos Center and experience educational excellence. Best Regars, Director Gina Lee