This company is formed from a vision which we developed over many years. Patients are loosing teeth at a faster rate than the U.S.’s dental capacity for replacing them with implants. We have watched this trend continue unchanged for many years. Now with the aging U.S. population lack of dental implant service providers has become a critical deficit. We are aware that the U.S. is the only market in the world where the majority of implant services are performed by such a small number of exceptional offices. While there are many opinions as to why the US market evolved into such predicament, our aim is to make implant dentistry a standard, routine service in all general dentist’s offices and thereby help catch up service offerings with the growing deficit of patient implant treatments. Our goal is to help provide a solution. Our plan starts with partnerships with selected dental offices and then together we re-envision and grow implant dentistry together, city by city, state by state. All of our actions, products, services and prices are formed to achieve a new GP centric implantology model. With this publication we are introducing exciting new technical innovations that break the status quo of traditional implant thinking and will help power our new GP centric movement.