We have been the world’s leading manufacturer since researching electrolyzed water in 1981. We transferred its related technology to Japan at the time they suffered from E. coli O157 infection in 1996. Now we are manufacturing a disinfectant generator, NaOClean, for human health.

We are headquartered in South Korea and have established a corporation in New York, USA recently, to conduct direct sales, marketing and manufacturing within the United States.

NaOClean which is the our brand name creates the activated sodium hypochlorite (Electrolyzed water) and provides powerful disinfecting solution by electrolysis, using only water and a small amount of salt. It has received great attention from the food processing facilities, restaurants, hotels, hospitals, as well as mainly serves as ensuring the food safety and hygiene management. It is widely used in many sites with more than 10,000 around the world.

We believe NaOClean is a future sustainable and eco-friendly product that can replace existing chemicals.