MissyUSA is the home of an uplifting online community full of expert tricks-of-the-trade and sinspiring stories catered towards married Korean women residing in the United States. 

We are an authority site that Korean-American Women come to for information, advice and recommendations.

Virtually all of our audience are Korean married women who have jobs both in and outside of the home with their own interests and friends. Many of them rely on MissyUSA as a resource for information, trade, and entertainment.

MissyUSA Shopping Mall is the shopping branch of MissyUSA, which is one of the largest Korean-American online community in the U.S.. It provides Korean products that are not easily accessible in the U.S. market, but also offers variety of products from domestic vendors/manufacturers for shopper's convenience. 

It's core focus is to provide fellow Koreans with a one-stop shopping place that offers a wide range of products including Food, Household goods, Kitchenware, Beauty products and more.