If I can be 100% honest I am absolutely not a morning person whatsoever. I would much rather sleep in and grab a few extra winks than wake up early any day.


I am also terrible and ensuring that I am properly taking care of myself.


Not that I do it on purpose, but with the hustle and bustle of my everyday life, at times it is nearly impossible for me to make sure that I am always on top of everything that I need to do when I need to do it.


In order to combat these nasty habits, I have done everything possible the last few months to start changing this. It hasn’t been easy by a long shot, but I figured I would start with doing the one thing I dreaded first…


Waking up early

Rise & Shine

Waking up early has been one of the most life-changing practices I’ve ever taken up. With young kids, as moms (well parents in general), we know that every moment of sleep counts. I also knew that as much as I enjoyed sleeping in late, that I had to pull it together and start getting up early and being more productive.  It’s so simple. But just like letting go of my clutter, changing my habits and rising early re-shaped my entire life.


Once I got into the groove of getting up and starting my day (showering, meditation, a cup of coffee, exercising or just having some me time), it quickly became something I looked forward too, without an ounce of hesitation.It’s so simple. But just like letting go of my clutter, changing my habits and rising early re-shaped my entire life.


It’s so simple. Changing my habits and rising early re-shaped my entire life.


Any habit change is mental.

When it came to eating healthy I knew that this would be a more difficult feat than waking up early. Changing your eating habits isn’t as simple as it sounds; especially if it’s been a mix of lifelong poor choices.


When I initially knew I wanted to change my eating habits, I had to change my mindset about what healthy eating meant. I a true southern girl at heart. I knew I didn’t want to give up the foods that I love, but I also knew I needed a better mix of healthy veggies in my diet, that I wasn’t already getting.


Don’t think of this as something that you’re “trying” to do or are “working towards,” think of it as something you ARE doing right now.




If subconsciously, you’re not really sure you can handle a major change in your diet, then I want to suggest starting with Kiwami Greens .


Kiwami Greens is a traditional Japanese greens blend known for its superior nutritional properties.


Busy moms will love how convenient Kiwami Greens is, and how it is fully packed with much-needed nutrients. 


If you think it’s going to be difficult to add more veggies to your diet- then you probably won’t.  A lack of vegetable intake can cause several issues, including:


If you don’t get enough veggies or are experiencing any of these issues, you really want it to stay that way?


Kiwami Greens comes in a convenient pack that you can mix with your favorite drink.  As you can see, I enjoyed mine with my morning cup of coffee.


Be sure to head over to Kiwami Greens and sign up for the monthly subscription using code SUMMER10 and recieve 10% off.


How do you start your mornings off? Let me know in the comments below!